Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN dan Jawabannya

Untuk membantu persiapan kamu, KitaLulus telah mengumpulkan beberapa soal tes bahasa Inggris BUMN. Pelajari, yuk!

1. She … a book when I arrived.

A. Was reading

B. Reading

C. Read

D. Are reading

2. School principals … at schools

A. Is working

B. Work

C. Going To Work

D. May be Working

Read this text carefully for questions 2-4!

In Montana and Wyoming a cowboy’s life is harder in the winter than in other seasons. During the spring and fail round-ups, a cowboy works long hours.

The weather is good, however, and he enjoys being out of doors. The sun shines almost every day, and it rarely rains.

During July and August there is little work for a cowboy and he can spend much of his time at rodeos, his favorite from of recreation.

In the winter, as in the spring and fail, cowboy also has a lot to do, but the severe weather makes his work very difficult. He often works in extreme cold and wind.

Even when the weather is bad, he rides his horse continuously, watching over his stock and taking care of the weak animals that cannot stand the wind and cold.

3. What is the topic of the paragraph?

A. How to care of animals in winter

B. Spring and fail seasons in Montana

C. The life of cowboy throughout the year

D. Winter, an extreme season in Montana

4. With which of the following sentences should the paragraph end?

A. Therefore, cowboys are usually considered very strong

B. Thus, throughout the year cowboy work hard but they enjoy their social life

C. To conclude, all cowboys are well trained and good at rodeos

D. That’s why cowboys work very hard only during the spring and fail

5. His father insisted on … medicine, because he thinks it will enable his son to help many people.

A. He is studying

B. That he studies

C. Having studied

D. He is to study‍

6. The director is meeting with the investors, as the company would like to … operations.

A. Expend

B. Expanse

C. Expand

D. Expense

7. Ms. Tiara is a gifted speaker, and everybody … listening to her talks.

A. Eave enjoyed

B. Enjoy

C. Are enjoying

D. Enjoys

8. Education in Indonesia is the … of school, government and society.

A. Responsible

B. Responsibility

C. Responsive

D. Responsibly

9. Who … you information about this test?

A. have give

B. Is Given

C. Gave

D. Giving

10. The great apes, a generally peaceful species … in groups

A. Would rather living

B. Would rather live

C. Would rather they live

D. Would rather lived


Question number 11–20! The text below has incomplete sentences. Read text carefully and choose the one word or phrase from each number that best completes the sentences.

A common way of gaining knowledge is through experience, which relies on trialanderror learning. 

One of the authors is reminded of a time when he (11) … an Old Order Amish farmer while their two 5yearold sons played with a small snapping turtle.

As the Amish boy held the turtle in one hand he would reach out with the other and tap the turtle’s beak with his index finger, jerking it away as the animal (12) … in the air.

Several times, the farmer interrupted his conversation to warn his son that if he continued (13) … the turtle, he would be sorry.

Suddenly, the boy (14) … and dropped the turtle to the ground. As the father retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and attended to the young boy’s bleeding finger, the man looked into his son’s eyes and said in German (15) … into “Maybe the turtle has taught you what your father could not.”

The author could not help but feel that his son, who stood in horror (16) … his Amish friend’s bleeding finger, had also learned something from the experience.

An old adage (17) … , “experience is the best teacher.” If our knowledge is (18) … , however, then it is limited indeed, for experience is the best teacher only if we cannot also find other paths to knowledge.

Because experience is very (19) … of gaining knowledge, it is influenced by our social and cultural backgrounds.

(20) … is punctuated by diversity as people of different racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds not only experience vastly different things in life, but, more importantly, often interpret similar experiences quite differently.

11. Question number 11

A. Is interviewed

B. Was interviewing

C. Had interviewed

D. Was interviewed

12. Question number 12

A. Snapped harmlessly

B. Harmless snap

C. Snapping harmlessly

D. Was harmlessly snapping

13. Question number 13

A. To tease

B. Teased

C. Teasing

D. Tease

14. Question number 14

A. Painful squeal

B. Squealed out in pain

C. Squeals out in pain

D. Squealing out in pain

15. Question number 15

A. Roughly translates

B. That is rough translation

C. Is roughly translated

D. What is roughly translated

16. Question number 16

A. Looking at

B. Looking for

C. Looked at

D. Looked for

17. Question number 17

A. Claims

B. Is claimed

C. Claimed

D. Is claiming

18. Question number 18

A. To limit the personal experiences

B. Limited to personal experiences

C. Limiting personal experiences

D. Experiencing personal limitation

19. Question number 19

A. Personal and an individual way

B. Personal and individualistic way

C. Personality and individuality of way

D. Personal way and individualistic

20. Question number 20

A. Experiencing knowledge

B. Knowledge experience

C. Experiential knowledge

D. Experience of knowledge

21. “When did you realize you had lost your purse?“

“When I …, one to pay the conductor.”

A. Was needing

B. Had needed

C. Have needing

D. Am needing

22. “Why didn’t Didi want to go home?” 

“His mother …… him for causing the car accident.”

A. would blame

B. has blamed

C. is blaming

D. had blamed

23. We are going on a long trip, so we must…

A. Have checked the car

B. Have had the car checked

C. To have the car checked

D. Have the car checked

24. Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He … have a good rest tonight’ the doctor said.

A. Might

B. May

C. Can

D. Must

25. The way professor Mattis teaches English not only keeps the student’ interest…….

A. And also increases their motivation

B. But also increasing their motivation

C. And he also increases their motivation

D. But also increases their motivation

26. If I were you I would put that meat in the refrigerator or it will … in this hot weather.

A. Go off

B. Go over

C. Go by

D. Go on

27. It was very difficult to park the car in Pondok Indah Mall as there were not any …  parking spaces.

A. Vacant

B. Blank

C. Uninhabited

D. Bare

28. You are already grown up so you should be able to … between good and bad.

A. Differentiate

B. Discriminate

C. Distinguish

D. Verify

29. The manager was very worried because his production figures were …

A. Falling off

B. Falling out

C. Falling over

D. Falling through

30. Having given the prescription to the patient…

A. The medicine was taken regularly by the patient

B. The doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularly

C. The medicine had to be taken regularly by the patient

D. The patient was told to take the medicine regularly


31. He was so surprised by the things happening so fast that he had a look of … on his face.

A. Astonishment

B. Amazement

C. Puzzlement

D. Excitement

32. The street all over Jakarta are flooded. … last night.

A. It must be raining

B. There might have rain

C. It must have rained

D. There might have been raining

33. We went to the painting exhibition … the rain.

A. Because

B. Although

C. In spite of

D. Despite of

34. I counted twenty students at …, the others were all members of the teaching staff.

A. The least

B. The most

C. The fewest

D. The more

35. I recommended that the organization … its by-laws as soon as possible.

A. Finished composing

B. Should finish composing

C. Finish composing

D. Finishes composing

36. I will watch Ghost Stories on metro TV as soon as I … my typing.

A. Have finished

B. Finish

C. Am finishing

D. Finished

37. She went to the school by taxi. She … by bus. There is a bus driver strike today.

A. Might gone

B. Should go

C. Should have gone

D. Ought have gone

38. Several prominent political figures involved in the scandal … before the investigating committee.

A. Will to appear

B. Are suppose to appear

C. Supposed to appear

D. Are to appear

39. The region is not fertile, … it is an industrial area.

A. Nevertheless

B. Since

C. Because

D. As

40. You may avoid … by a motor-cycle by … on the pavement.

A. Being hit – Walking

B. Be hit – Walk

C. Hitting – Walking

D. Being hitting – Walking

41. Nina seems very mature for a …

A. Nineteen-year-old girl

B. Girl with nineteen years old

C. Girl of nineteen years

D. Nineteen-years-old girl

42. She … on airplane many times.

A. Flight

B. Has flown

C. Is flying

D. Fly

43. The new innovations at the world’s fair were fascinating. Which word of the above sentence makes it incorrect?

A. The

B. New

C. At

D. Were

44. Do you know …?

A. What time the movie starts

B. What time starts the movie

C. What time does the movie start

D. The movie start what time

45. I … the advertisement at local newspaper.

A. Reading

B. Would Reading

C. Have Reading

D. Read

46. Since it is already very late, we …

A. Had better leaving

B. Ought to have leave

C. Should take a tour

D. Might as well leave

47. The great apes, a generally peaceful species … in groups

A. Would rather living

B. Would rather live

C. Would rather lived

D. Would rather they live

48. Since the road is wet this morning, … last night.

A. It must rain

B. It must be raining

C. It must have rained

D. It must have been rain

49. We had to wait a long time to get these books back, …?

A. Don’t we

B. Couldn’t we

C. Didn’t we

D. Shouldn’t we

50. A trip to Bali should …

A. Benefit to you

B. Be well for you

C. Do you good

D. Be beneficial with you

51. The passengers of the Aagle Airways……. their flight schedule several times.

A. Look over

B. Look into

C. Look out

D. Look after

52. I … the advertisement at local newspaper.

A. Reading

B. Would Reading

C. Have Reading

D. Read

53. … Miss Clara nor Mr Elang will attend the annual workshop next Monday

A. Neither

B. Either

C. Both

D. Not only

54. Don’t persuade Joan’s husband to buy her a ring, he is rather … over money matters.

A. Jealous

B. Mean

C. Selfish

D. Greedy

55. I said that I would rather not … it right now.

A. Discussing

B. To discuss

C. Discuss

D. Discussion

56. The term “support staff” is often used to describe employees that perform lower-level task but also are providing essential administrative duties for executive-level managers.

A. that perform lower-level tasks but also are providing

B. performing lower-level tasks but also providing

C. who perform lower-level tasks but also provide

D. that performs lower-level task but also provide

57. A few million rupiahs, he went on a four to Europe.

A. Saved

B. Has saved

C. He has saved

D. Having saved

58. Rina: “Andi, will you close the windows? please. I’m busy right now.”

Andi: “I’m busy myself, but I ………anyhow.”

A. Will close them

B. Will have to close them

C. Will have them closed

D. Will ask you to close them

59. I am still waiting …. For an interview

A. To be called

B. Be called

C. Be calling

D. To call

60. We were planning to open a new office in Surabaya,……… the economic crisis forced us to postpone it

A. And

B. Or

C. So

D. But

61. Andika, will you slose the windows, please. I’m busy right now’. I’m busy my self, but I ………anyhow.

A. Will close them

B. Will have to close them

C. Will have them closed

D. Will ask you to close them

62. You should get someone to … the house before you  decide to buy it.

A. Asses

B. Appraise

C. Estimate

D. Evaluate

63. The fact that he was put into prison for something that he had not done made his wife…

A. Cry

B. To be crying

C. Cried

D. To cry

64. Can you be more …?

A. Precise

B. Exact

C. Thorough

D. Correct

65. The economist say there is a … in the standard of living nowadays.

A. Collapse

B. Ruination

C. Deterioration

D. Destruction

66. The workers were … in their demand for better conditions.

A. Joined

B. Combined

C. United

D. Attached

67. The original manuscript to the play is on display in the museum.

A. Written by hand

B. Writing hand

C. Hand written

D. Hand writing

68. Andi, will you slose the windows, please. I’m busy right now’. I’m busy my self, but I ………anyhow.

A. Will close them

B. Will have to close them

C. Will have them closed

D. Will ask you to close them

69. I would have gone to your party last night if … time.

A. Had

B. Would had

C. Had had

D. Have

70. …, the Alpaca is Smaller than the llama and ordinarily is not used as a beast of burden.

A. A sure-footed animal

B. That sure-footed animal

C. It is a sure-footed animal

D. A sure-footed animal that

Kunci Jawaban

1. A. Was reading

2. B. Work

3. C. The life of cowboy throughout the year

4. B. Thus, throughout the year cowboy work hard but they enjoy their social life

5. B. That he studies

6. C. Expand

7. D. Enjoys

8. B. Responsibility

9. B. Is Given

10. B. Would Rather Live

11. B. Was interviewing

12. C. Snapping harmlessly

13. C. Teasing

14. B. Squealed out in pain

15. D. What is roughly translated

16. A. Looking at

17. A. Claims

18. B. Limited to personal experiences

19. B. Personal and individualistic way

20. C. Experiential knowledge

21. B. Had needed

22. D. had blamed

23. D. Have the car checked

24. D. Must

25. D. But also increases their motivation

26. A. Go Off

27. A. Vacant

28. C. Distinguish

29. A. Falling off

30. B. The doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularly

31. C. Puzzlement

32. C. It must have rained

33. D. Despite of

34. A. The least

35. A. Finished composing

36. B. Finish

37. C. Should have gone

38. B. Are suppose to appear

39. D. As

40. A. Being hit – Walking

41. A. Nineteen-year-old girl

42. B. Has flown

43. C. At

44. A. What time the movie starts

45. D. Read

46. A. Had better leaving

47. B. Would rather live

48. C. It must have rained

49. C. Didn’t we

50. B. Be well for you

51. A. Look over

52. D. Read

53. A. Neither

54. B. Mean

55. C. Discuss

56. C. who perform lower-level tasks but also provide

57. D. Having saved

58. C. Will have them closed

59. A. To be called

60. D. But

61. C. Will have them closed

62. B. Appraise

63. A. Cry

64. C. Thorough

65. A. Collapse

66. C. United

67. D. Handwriting

68. C. Will have them closed

69. A. Had

70. A. A sure-footed animal


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